Jodee Mundy

Performing artist in blue light silhouette before yellow wave graphics

SPILL welcomes Jodee Mundy back to Ipswich in October 2025, seven years after we hosted the European premiere of her acclaimed tactile performance Imagined Touch, co-created with Deafblind artists. 

This year, Jodee will perform her virtuosic theatre show Personal. Created in collaboration with her family, Personal uses documentary footage and fully integrated access provision to present Jodee’s experience of being a CODA (child of Deaf adults) and of inhabiting two worlds: one where sign language is natural, and one which only sees the family’s disability. 

Personal, aside from a triumphant piece of performance, does something special; it bridges divides, it removes, within this context, ‘us’ and ‘them’. Not often does theatre, despite the best of intentions, achieve such heights.’    - Melbourne Critique

Thanks to some additional funding from the British Council’s Connections Through Culture programme, SPILL and Jodee Mundy will also collaborate on peer-to-peer artist development and mentoring sessions for Deaf and CODA artists based in the UK and Australia, and on a unique creative workshop for Deaf and CODA families in Ipswich, each delivered on a signing-first basis.

Look out for more announcements about this exciting programme of activities later in the year.

Personal is supported through by the British Council’s Connections Throught Culture grant programme.