Andy Field + Beckie Darlington
Date: Sat 14 Oct 2023
Time: Doors @ 17:30
18:00-19:15 (75 mins)
Location: Gallery Studio Theatre
Tickets: £10/£7 concs.

Photos by Alexander Ward
Commissioned by Cambridge Junction and Norfolk & Norwich Festival. Supported by Arts Council England, the Stobbs New Ideas Fund and a Cambridge City Council Public Art Grant.
This is the news studio. These are the news headlines. This. Is. The. News.
At a time when there is more news than there has ever been and yet our trust in journalists is at an all-time low, News News News is a different kind of news show.
Recorded in front of a studio audience and broadcast online to potentially billions of viewers, this is a TV bulletin made for adults by children. Working with artists Andy Field and Beckie Darlington, pupils from St Matthew’s Primary School presented the headlines from their everyday lives, offering a distinctive look at what was going on in Ipswich in autumn 2023.
From your seat at the Gallery Studio Theatre, you had the chance to watch the news being made right in front of your eyes in the UK’s smallest news studio. Facts are checked, breaking news is gathered and the presenters ready themselves to go live on air.
Andy Field and Beckie Darlington are artists based in London. They work with young people to create unusual projects that invite us to re-think our relationship to the places we live and the people we live with. Their work has been presented in over a dozen countries, from rooftops in Cairo and Sao Paulo to London’s Natural History Museum.